Wedding bells

We’ve been married for over a month now, I figured it was probably time to recap the blessed day.


The wedding weekend actually began on Thursday, May 12, when the family started arriving.  Ellyn and Larry hosted a lovely bbq at their home for the 20-or-so people who came early.



On Friday the 13th (ooh spooky!) we ran errands, tried to relax, had lunch, checked in, rehearsed, and had a rehearsal dinner at Compadres.  Before lunch I stopped by NV Jewelers and Kent told me I could borrow anything I wanted to wear at the wedding.  I about plotzed.  I picked up a stunning diamond necklace and told Jason he bought it for me as a wedding gift.  More plotzing 🙂


The rehearsal went off without a hitch and was followed by a delicious buffet at Compadres (paired of course with margaritas and cervezas).  The rehearsal dinner was a lot of fun–and was followed up with some late night hospitality suite action.



And the day of!  Never in my life have I ever spent so much time getting ready. You may notice the awesome custom hoodie that I’m wearing in the photos–thank you Michelle and Cindy for the lovely gift!




Our biggest worry of the day was the weather.  There are some silly people in the world who think that rain on your wedding day is lucky (isn’t it ironic? don’t you think?).  Clearly these people don’t know what it’s like to plan an outdoor wedding.  Jason called me throughout the day (since we didn’t lay eyes on each other until I was walking down the aisle) and kept asking me at what point do we tell them to move the whole thing inside?  I told him that unless it was literally coming down in buckets we were not under any circumstances moving it inside.

And I was right.  About five minutes before I started making the journey downstairs, the sun came out and all was right with the world.  It was perfect.


The ceremony was short and sweet.  I did accidentally put Jason’s ring on the wrong hand.  But it’s cool, he still married me.  And Jill did a FANTASTIC job with the ceremony!




The flowergirls really stole the show.  They were so flipping cute.



The boys were pretty stinkin’ cute as well.



We took lots of nice staged pictures, which I’m sure I’ll blow up and frame and they’ll be all over our house any day now.






And then there were some pictures that just made me laugh. They captured the moment perfectly!




And the cake!  A masterpiece!



The reception was just about the most fun a girl could handle.  We danced, we drank, we partied into the late hours.




And then there was what one witness called the “best wedding moment ever.”  The cousin’s toast.  Jason is one of 10 original cousins and every time one of them gets married and a new cousin joins the group, they do a song and dance.  Literally.  I am joining as cousin #19 and as you can see in the video below, they welcomed me in style.

The weather held up, the cake was stunning, the food delicious, and the booze aplenty.  Our wedding could not have been any more perfect.
