A wicked good time


This morning Jason and I woke up and found ourselves in Boston.  I’ve never been, and Jason hasn’t been in a long time, so we decided to do the tourist thing and check out the Freedom Trail.




The Freedom Trail is a red line (sometimes paint, sometimes brick) that goes through downtown Boston and has 17 different points of interest on it.  It’s a great way to get some exercise and see some of America’s best history.  First on the list was Boston Common.  Just across the street is the Massachusetts State House with its 23-carat gold dome:




We got a little lost in the state house and ended up going down a little hall and finding the governor’s office.  It was a little weird how easily we got there and how little security we saw.  Inside the dome:




And there’s a really cool flag room inside:




And since I’m a child and this made me laugh, here’s the entrance we took:




There are several cemeteries along the way, including the Granary Burying Ground (below), where Paul Revere is buried along with several signers of the Declaration of Independence.  The cemeteries look like something out of a horror film with the big markers, but they’re actually beautiful and incredibly peaceful.  It’s interesting to look at some of the dates on the markers–some as far back as the 1600’s (see poor Tom below).






And poor Benjamin Franklin is hanging out for all of eternity in front of what is now a Ruth’s Chris steakhouse.  I’m not sure that the First American would approve of the first public school turning into a restaurant chain.




Old City Hall, which is where the first public school, Boston Latin School, was located.




The Old State House is below.  I love these pictures of old buildings with modern skyscrapers in the background.  I also love that some of these buildings have names that include “Old,” like no one would know unless it was part of the name.




And of course, Faneuil Hall.




I will admit, I got a little goose-bumpy inside.  It’s easy to be transported back to the days when Samuel Adams (not just a beer after all!) was persuading the first Americans to declare independence from England.




In the North End we found Paul Revere’s colonial home (built in 1680).




We followed the trail to the Old North Church, the infamous place where the “one if by land, and two if by sea” signal was sent, thus signaling Paul’s midnight ride.  Just after the church is another cemetery, the Copp’s Hill Burying Ground.





Did you know that the Battle of Bunker Hill actually took place on Breed’s Hill and we’ve been perpetuating the wrong name this whole time?  We skipped the 294 steps up to the top of the Bunker Hill Monument, but we took a picture and visited the museum.




And the last stop on the Freedom Trail, the USS Constitution.





Ok, actually that wasn’t the last stop.  The last stop was at the Warren Tavern, where we enjoyed a pint of Samuel Adams and gave our feet a rest.  Tomorrow?  Lobsta and chowdah!



Wedding bells

We’ve been married for over a month now, I figured it was probably time to recap the blessed day.


The wedding weekend actually began on Thursday, May 12, when the family started arriving.  Ellyn and Larry hosted a lovely bbq at their home for the 20-or-so people who came early.



On Friday the 13th (ooh spooky!) we ran errands, tried to relax, had lunch, checked in, rehearsed, and had a rehearsal dinner at Compadres.  Before lunch I stopped by NV Jewelers and Kent told me I could borrow anything I wanted to wear at the wedding.  I about plotzed.  I picked up a stunning diamond necklace and told Jason he bought it for me as a wedding gift.  More plotzing 🙂


The rehearsal went off without a hitch and was followed by a delicious buffet at Compadres (paired of course with margaritas and cervezas).  The rehearsal dinner was a lot of fun–and was followed up with some late night hospitality suite action.



And the day of!  Never in my life have I ever spent so much time getting ready. You may notice the awesome custom hoodie that I’m wearing in the photos–thank you Michelle and Cindy for the lovely gift!




Our biggest worry of the day was the weather.  There are some silly people in the world who think that rain on your wedding day is lucky (isn’t it ironic? don’t you think?).  Clearly these people don’t know what it’s like to plan an outdoor wedding.  Jason called me throughout the day (since we didn’t lay eyes on each other until I was walking down the aisle) and kept asking me at what point do we tell them to move the whole thing inside?  I told him that unless it was literally coming down in buckets we were not under any circumstances moving it inside.

And I was right.  About five minutes before I started making the journey downstairs, the sun came out and all was right with the world.  It was perfect.


The ceremony was short and sweet.  I did accidentally put Jason’s ring on the wrong hand.  But it’s cool, he still married me.  And Jill did a FANTASTIC job with the ceremony!




The flowergirls really stole the show.  They were so flipping cute.



The boys were pretty stinkin’ cute as well.



We took lots of nice staged pictures, which I’m sure I’ll blow up and frame and they’ll be all over our house any day now.






And then there were some pictures that just made me laugh. They captured the moment perfectly!




And the cake!  A masterpiece!



The reception was just about the most fun a girl could handle.  We danced, we drank, we partied into the late hours.




And then there was what one witness called the “best wedding moment ever.”  The cousin’s toast.  Jason is one of 10 original cousins and every time one of them gets married and a new cousin joins the group, they do a song and dance.  Literally.  I am joining as cousin #19 and as you can see in the video below, they welcomed me in style.

The weather held up, the cake was stunning, the food delicious, and the booze aplenty.  Our wedding could not have been any more perfect.



Top o’ the Pops

For Father’s Day my mum had a lovely brunch for us (and by “us” I mean the man of the hour, aka “Dad”, Ellyn, Larry, Papa Sam, Brian, Carole, Lynne, Mark, Lauren, Becky, Jim, Curt, Al, Dean, Sarah, Olivia, Ethan, Aden, Jason and myself).  I decided to attempt cake pops again and I have to say they turned out pretty darn good.  Just ask Skipper, who managed to eat three (chocolate!) cake pops off the floor before anyone could stop him.  Props to my sister Lynne who actually fished a cake pop out of his mouth without losing a finger.





Family time

Last week Jason and I took a little road trip down to LA to witness Marlie’s graduation from kindergarten and Estee’s “step up” to the 1st grade.  Both super cute!  I’m so glad we made the drive down.


Those girls are seriously adorable.  There’s something really validating when their mom asks them who they want to read to them and they say May-may!  Although I think they’re growing out of the May-may phase because they’re really just calling me Mary now.  Shame.  Reading in bed with the lights out:


While we were there (and while the girls were in school) Jason and I did a little day trip to LACMA to see the Tim Burton exhibit (which was great–but no photography allowed).  I love taking pictures at museums, especially modern art.














I actually have a ton more on my Flickr account.  Those were my favorites.  Anyway, we had a lovely time at the step up/graduation ceremonies, and a nice time at dinner.  The girls were very excited to have us all there to celebrate their accomplishments.





On Thursday we took a slight detour and Jodi, Stephanie, Jason and I drove down to San Diego to see Papa Leland.  We flew back the next day and were T-I-R-E-D.  A great weekend overall–I’m glad we were there.

les papillons et les gens laids

We’re home now, but there are so many more stories to share!  Last Sunday we had brunch at the Westin in Dawn Beach.  Little did we know, it was Mother’s Day on the island and apparently the Westin is the best spot on the island for brunch.  So needless to say, we were not alone.  And because we didn’t make a reservation, they stuck us at the only table left, which was in the scorching sun–and right in front of the ocean with the best view imaginable!  The brunch was hands-down the best either of us have ever had.


Speaking of good food, there’s an interesting thing we’ve noticed about the French restaurants here.  They are completely addicted to beautiful china and making food look like art.  Several spots even have their own handmade china (although nothing beats Le Tastevin, which serves their food on Villeroy and Boch).  We ate at L’auberge Gourmande one night and their china was gorgeous, second only to the beautiful food they served on it.



On Tuesday we visited La Ferme des Papillons (the butterfly farm), which is a big enclosed mesh space where they have hundreds of rare butterflies flying around.  We walked around a bit on our own and then Willy gave us a tour and explained why he raises them, where they are all from, what makes them interesting, etc.  I have hundreds of photos of these beauties, but here are some of the ones I liked the best:







We spent the rest of the afternoon driving around and exploring the island.  One thing that surprised us both about St. Maarten are the goats–they are EVERYWHERE.  You can’t drive around without having to stop for some random goats.



That night we very randomly decided to visit Le Tijon, the island’s only French-style parfumerie.  We signed up for a beginner’s class and ended up being the only ones there.  We smelled several different fragrances and picked our favorites, then we put on our lab coats and headed to the laboratory, where we each designed several different perfumes, choosing from among the hundreds of different scented oils.  It was a BLAST and now we have our very own personalized perfumes!




After having a lovely time at Le Tijon, we headed to Bistrot Caraibes for dinner.  We picked out our dinner and decided to try him “thermidor.”  It was the best thing we ate on our entire trip–INCREDIBLE!



On Wednesday we did a day trip to St. Barths.  A quick 45 minute ferry ride away (on the aptly-named “vomit comet”), St. Barths is lovely and extremely expensive.  We got off the ferry and found out that our choices were shopping, shopping, or more shopping–at Louis Vuitton, Cartier, etc.  I drooled over a nice purse at LV for 850 Euro (about $1,200 US), and Jason drooled over a watch that was 17,000 Euro (about $24,000 US).  We grabbed a taxi and headed to Hotel Le Toiny for lunch.  There are no hotel rooms at Le Toiny, only 15 villas, each of which has its own private pool.  Villas start at 1,250 euro a night.  We had lunch at their restaurant (alone–no one else was there), which was good, but made great by the most stunning view.  The picture doesn’t even do it justice:


Our taxi driver drove us around the island and dropped us off at a bar, where we relaxed and watched the super rich play on the beach.  Jason got up at some point to use the restroom and came back laughing hysterically.  Apparently when he asked where the bathroom was located, they told him there was a problem with the restroom.  An iguana (or “iguane” as they called it) had gotten lost and ended up in front of the bathroom door.  “Iguanes” are protected on St Barths, so they couldn’t do anything about it.  Jason offered to herd him away from the restroom, but they were concerned about him pooing on their merchandise.


Here’s a picture of us pretending to be rich and famous in St Barths:


On Thursday, our last real day in St Maarten, we decided to hit up Ocean Beach again because we enjoyed it so much before.  We claimed a couple of chairs and an umbrella, bought a couple of Presidentes, and did some serious people watching.  Quite possibly our favorite story of the entire trip occurred there.  While we were sitting and sipping, a French woman, approximately in her later 60’s, walked by.  She had on a beautiful dress, her hair was coiffed to perfection, she was covered in gold jewelry and was carrying the biggest Louis Vuitton purse I’ve ever seen.  Mind you, it’s about a zillion degrees out and the humidity is approximately 120%.  She stops a couple dozen feet from us, looks around suspiciously, and drops her $5k gorgeous purse in the wet sand (I nearly cried).  Looking around some more, she cautiously starts unbuttoning her dress… and takes it off.  She puts the dress in her purse and now everyone in a 30 foot radius is staring at her in her see-through bra and panties (did I mention that she’s old and overweight?).  She backs into the ocean, watching her purse the whole time.  After a couple of minutes, she comes back out and her see-through bra and panties are REALLY see-through.  It’s a train wreck and no one can look away.  She gets back to her purse, pulls out a gorgeous silk scarf, and plants her big wet ass on it.  Then she pulls out a Louis Vuitton hat and a thermos of coffee (did I mention it’s roughly the temperature of the sun?) and sips away.  After a few more minutes, our “beach waiter” Guy approaches her and she gathers her things and leaves.  I can hear you asking for photographic evidence of this horrific moment in time.  Enjoy (but don’t say I didn’t warn you).




When I last left you I was sunburned and still had mental images of the old floppy men on Orient Beach.  So much has happened since then!  Mostly fabulous food 🙂  That night we went to dinner at L’Escapade, which was nice.  Jason had the tiger prawns on a bed of risotto (which came to the table on fire) and I had the lobster ravioli (the frothy thing below).  Both dishes were delightful.




Instead of having dessert there, we opted for a crepe “lolo” (food truck/shack).  We had nutella crepes and they were phenomenal!


The next day, yesterday, we had breakfast at Le Croissanterie (the best croissant I’ve ever devoured) and sat in front of the bay enjoying coffee and watching the mega yachts try to make their way into slips in the marina.  We’ve been drooling at boats since we got here.  That afternoon we decided to visit La Samanna, which is a luxury resort on the southwest end of the island.  It’s about a thousand dollars a night for the cheapest rooms and approximately $9,000 a night for the villas.  We had a drink and pretended for a bit, but we left deciding two things: 1) we were having way more fun at our awesome hotel, L’Esplanade, and 2) one day if we win the lottery we’re bringing our friends here for a luxurious-ridiculous-over-the-top vacation.

That evening we visited the Sunset Bar and Grill, which is right at the end of the main runway at Princess Juliana Airport, the main airport of SXM.  We sat and enjoyed rum punches while airplanes came in and landed right next to us.  It was lovely–even when it started raining and everyone went running for shelter.  We sat and sipped and enjoyed.  We were joined by one of the local SXM dogs that randomly run around looking super happy.





For dinner we picked up bbq from a super sketchy roadside shack.  It was INCREDIBLE, even though they didn’t speak English and my French is terrible, we managed to make it happen.  We brought it back to our hotel and ate on the balcony with a bottle of French champagne.

This morning we went to the market at Marigot and strolled around.  We ended up having breakfast at Rosemary’s, which is allegedly the oldest lolo in Marigot.  We each had an entire fried fish accompanied by a johny cake and coffee.  Heaven.  A weird breakfast, but so good.


Our next adventure was a visit to Anse Marsel, a little secluded beach not too far from our hotel.  The drive over the mountain to this little beach was crazy–getting there is not easy.  When we got there we sat at this little shack on the beach and had a beer:


On the way out, we passed by a school.  It had this crazy sign that we have not been able to figure out.  Is school dangerous here?  If you show up for school, do you risk falling down a large cliff?


A few seconds later we were driving past a house and I just happened to notice an effing donkey in front of it.  Seriously, a donkey in front of the house sniffing a large planter right by the front door.  Where the hell did this donkey come from?!?


We had cocktails at Loterie Farm, which is beautiful and famous for its hiking trails and ziplines.  Hiking in SXM sounded fun until we got here–in reality, it’s about a million degrees and like 99% humidity.  We haven’t stopped sweating since we got here.  Hiking is not in my future.  But having a rum punch in the tree house is totally my thing.



We spent the rest of the afternoon at the hotel pool, completely alone, swimming and soaking up the sun.

Tonight we had one of the best meals of our lives (comparable to Le Bernardin, Meadowood, Redd, etc.) at Le Pressoir.


I started with the fois gras tasting menu, which was flipping fantastic.  See that little dish in the bottom right-hand corner?  That’s fois gras creme brulee.  Yeah.  Stupid good.


Jason had the lobster ravioli in a passion fruit cream sauce.  It was so good… um… I guess I demolished it before I had a chance to capture it.


I just went upstairs to brush my teeth and a roach the size of a buick scurried across the counter like a little disgusting lightening bolt.  I screamed and jumped on the bed (which is somehow safe from roach attack?) and made Jason dispatch of it.  He was doing well until he hit the roach and somehow the roach started to scurry up his arm and I heard the quickest of girly screams.  Eventually he got it and now we’re both disgusted.  Well, as disgusted as you can be after eating fois gras creme brulee.


lune de miel!

I know I’m going to get in trouble for not blogging about the wedding, but I promise I’ll come back to it.  For the moment, we have more important things to discuss.  Like the view from our balcony:


We enjoyed our first morning in St. Maarten sitting on the balcony, eating French pastries and drinking coffee.  It was awesome.


So the wonderful thing about the island is that half of it is Dutch and the other half (where we’re staying) is French.  It’s nice to experience several different cultures.  Think Hawaii weather, beautiful beaches, really nice people, and insanely amazing French food.

The area where we are is Grand Case (pronounced “Gran Caaz”).  It’s known for it’s terrific restaurants, which are all pretty much on one little street (you can kind of see it below). The first night here we walked down that street and checked out the menus.  Almost every place had a lobster tasting menu, several had fois gras tasting menus, and one had all you can eat fois gras.  Did I mention the fabulous French wine?  I’m in heaven.


Yesterday (our first real day), after our super-French breakfast, we drove over to the other side of the island, to Dawn Beach, where we had a couples massage at the Westin.  Jealous yet?  We also sat on the beach and had a beer.  For lunch we went to Captain Oliver’s, which is basically a dock in the marina with see-through plastic floors.  While I munched on some of the best sashimi I’ve ever had, I could watch my lunch’s little fishy cousins.  We sipped on rum punches and discovered a wonderful SMX tradition: every time you eat somewhere, they bring you a shot of infused rum.  Just for fun.  Here are a couple of pictures of us at Dawn Beach enjoying an El Presidente (the most popular beer on on the island):



In the evening we walked down to the beach and had a glass of champagne on the water and watched the sun go down.  The sunset and a self-shot:



When the sun went down we walked down to the main restaurant street in Grand Case and ended up at Le Tastevin.  It was incredible!  We each had a fois gras starter, Jason had a to-die-for mahi mahi which he says was better than his lunch at Le Bernardin in NY and I had young potatoes stuffed with escargot and topped with melted brie.  Yumsy!

After dinner we wandered down to a live music bar where Jason enjoyed a mojito with a giant lizard:


Today we had breakfast at a patisserie (quiches and a chocolate macaron–mine are better) and spent the rest of the morning/afternoon at Orient Beach.  Orient Beach is breathtakingly beautiful and reasonably peaceful, considering the amount of people there.  It’s on the French side, and as French beaches go, there was a lot of topless sunning going on.  We walked down to the far end and checked out Club Orient, which is entirely nude.  As anticipated, it was a lot of old floppy naked people (it’s never the hot people who get naked).  I’ll spare you with any pictures.  We had a lovely sushi lunch followed by some super yummy profiteroles.

And now we’re sunburned.  Le sigh.


Hunting and gathering


This morning Jason and I followed the ducks (seriously) to the Grand Opening of Fresh & Easy.  A mere block and a half from our home, this new grocery store is a much needed refreshment in our slightly decaying neighborhood.


There was quite a turnout for the event, where they presented a check for $1,000 to Napa LAPS (Loving Animals Providing Smiles).  Several Fidos turned out for the event as well.


After Councilman Jim Krider officially opened the store, there was a bit of rush to get inside.  And let me tell you, some rude behavior.  A woman full on hit me in the stomach with a cart.  And never acknowledged it.  Inside the store things are clean and bright and oh-so reasonably priced.  I was surprised at the size of most items (small) and the amount of prepared food they sell.


They also sell some items that I didn’t know existed, such as the make-it-yourself Jamba Juice.  Apparently you just add apple juice.


I’m glad I attended the event, just because I can say I was there (and probably one of the first to check-in on Facebook).  But honestly, it was just a reminder of how stupid people are.  There were at least two dozen people who decided that the grand opening was the perfect time to grab a cart and do their full-on weekly grocery shopping.  The store is just not that big, although I will say that I was very happy with most of the stuff inside.

Final review?  I give it a big thumbs up for improving our community (anything was better than the building there before), a small thumbs down for being too small, and a major thumbs up for having lots of produce and yummy looking food.  When things die down a bit, I’ll be back to do some actual shopping.

A wedding of abundance

There’s a wedding coming soon… and no I’m not talking about Prince William and Kate.  I’m talking about Hudson & Luros.  We’re T-minus 18 days and I’m working on getting every last detail perfect (or at the very least, completed).


This past Easter Sunday I had brunch at our house (more to come in a future foodie post) and our friend Michelle stayed and helped us cut 110 wine corks and set them up as place cards.  What a good friend!  And our good friend Hope supplied all of the pretty clean corks (unused-shame!):


What’s left on the list?  We need to construct a chuppah (see hydrangeas below), finish the hairpieces, make a million lists, create a welcome program thing, and fix the votives that have ribbon falling off.



Did I mention the fifty welcome bags that I need to relocate out of our guest bedroom (which incidentally has not been a functioning guest room for the past year because of the wedding)?


Rite of passage

This past weekend my best bud hosted a bridal shower and bachelorette party for me.  The shower was absolutely lovely and I had a great time:


Michelle and I having a bit o’ sparkling wine:


My new sister-in-laws and mother-in-law!


I had a little too much fun opening our gifts.  Considering all of the new kitchen gear we received, I should probably figure out how to be a better cook.


I also have pictures of the bachelorette, but I think I should probably keep those to myself.  But know that they’re out there, and I can probably never run for political office.  Shame.